Transforming Trauma: How to move forward and heal from adverse past experiences

embodiment, somatic healing, somatic experiencing, mind body connection, nervous system regulation, trauma informed, healing trauma, embody lab, faster eft, tapping, havening, stress release, emotional wellbeing, mental health, inner child, self love

how our past experiences shape our current reality

From the earliest moments of our lives, our experiences are encoded into memory, shaping our perceptions and beliefs. These memories serve as reference points that inform how we interpret new information and navigate our daily lives, often unconsciously. For example, a positive childhood memory may instill a sense of optimism and trust in others, while a traumatic experience may lead to feelings of fear or distrust. These experiences inform our coping mechanisms, belief systems, perception and identity, and can even impact our health.

The Impact of Stress and Trauma

When faced with significant challenges or adverse experiences, our internal resources are put to the test, and the lens through which we view the world can become distorted. This can affect anything from our interpersonal relationships and social dynamics, our confidence and self-worth to our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Stress and trauma have a profound effect on our nervous system, triggering a cascade of physiological responses that can alter our cognitive and emotional functioning.

Additionally, the memories of our experiences are deeply embedded within our nervous system and unconscious mind. Even if we are not consciously aware or no longer bothered by these events, they still reside within us, influencing everything from our unconscious behaviours and emotional responses to our belief systems and perspectives.

“Traumatic memory, is not so much a narrative about the past; it is a literal state of the body, one that can bypass conscious recall only to resurface years later.” - Bessel Van Der Kolk

As long as we hold onto the imprints of the past we will continue to operate through a lens of stress and trauma.

The power of transforming negative memories

The great news is, research in neuroscience shows us that memories are not fixed or static, and through neuroplasticity, somatics and other neuroscience based techniques such as those from the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ system, we can rewrite memories and past traumas, therefore changing the effect they have on us.

By processing the emotions and transforming the negatives aspects of the experience, we can gain new perspectives and facilitate profound healing and growth. 

Dr Daniella Schiller’s (Daniella Schiller Phd - Mount Sinai University) scientific studies have illuminated the fascinating and transformative nature of human memory. Through her groundbreaking research, Schiller has demonstrated that memories are not static entities but rather dynamic constructs that can be altered and even rewritten over time. By investigating the neural mechanisms underlying memory reconsolidation, Schiller and her colleagues have shown that recalling a memory opens a window of opportunity during which it becomes susceptible to modification. This discovery challenges long-held assumptions about the permanence of memories and offers promising implications for therapeutic interventions aimed at mitigating the impact of traumatic experiences. Schiller's work underscores the remarkable malleability of memory and its potential for profound transformation.

Moving from the Past into the Present

While we may acknowledge the occurrence of past experiences logically, by holding onto the hurt, fear, stress, sadness and other negative aspects within us, our nervous system stays in a state of survival, and we are not able to move forward from the experiences. We will continue to operate through survival patterns and coping mechanisms, limiting beliefs and dysregulation.

The eutaptics® FasterEFT™ system offers a versatile approach to healing, enabling us to effectively address and heal various forms of trauma and adverse experiences. This includes not only those within our conscious awareness but also repressed traumas, as well as generational and ancestral wounds.

With eutaptics® FasterEFT™ we can rewrite, process and transform past stress and trauma, not only at a cognitive level, but at a somatic and emotional level, recognising that healing is a multifaceted journey that requires attention to the interconnected layers of our being.

Memories are not simply a visual representation of an event, they are sensory, auditory, emotional and somatic. With eutaptics® FasterEFT™ all of these aspects are addressed, resulting in profound and holistic healing on all levels of being.

Ultimately, to fully heal, we need to move from the past and into the present. By processing the emotions, releasing stored stress, healing and integrating the deeper layers of trauma and creating new perspectives, our nervous system comes into the safety of the present moment, no longer burdened from the negative imprints of past stress and trauma.

If you’d like to find out more about how I can help support you through my coaching services please feel free to get in touch or book a free discovery call.


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