Harnessing the power of the Unconscious Mind to heal Anxiety

anxiety, stress, mental health, emotional wellbeing, trauma-informed, mindset, somatic healing, mind-body healing, tapping, eft, faster eft, nlp, mindfulness, self love, connection, inner child, wellness, holistic mental health, therapist

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year is Anxiety.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions that people experience. It is a normal emotion that we all experience from time to time, but when it becomes excessive or recurrent, it can significantly interfere with our daily lives and may be a sign of unresolved issues.

Anxiety is a feeling of worry or unease that can be triggered by a variety of situations, such as starting a new job, giving a presentation, or going to a social event. For some people, anxiety can be a constant companion that affects every aspect of their lives. Anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, and shaking, which can make it difficult to function normally.

Anxiety is a symptom of the autonomic nervous system, and often the causes are rooted in the unconscious/subconscious mind. Trauma, stress, and difficult life events can all contribute to the development of anxiety.

When we experience such events in our lives, often as children, the body's "fight, flight, freeze" response is triggered. The “flight or fight” response prepares the body for action by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate and releasing stress hormones. During “freeze” the body experiences muscular tension and stiffness whilst "frozen" or unable to move, stress hormones are released and there is often a heightened state of vigilance and alertness.

The problem is, when we do not know how to regulate our emotions and process trauma our physical body can become stuck in the “flight, fight, freeze” stress response. Then, later in life when new events, linked in some way to the original stressor occur, we become triggered, causing panic, anxiety and a host of physical symptoms.

Healing the Root Cause

By working directly with the unconscious mind, we are able to access deep-seated beliefs, memories and patterns that influence our emotions, behaviours and physical responses. Through healing and integrating what was once left unprocessed, we can begin to cultivate a sense of safety within our mind and body, bringing us into a place of homeostasis.

Here are some techniques that can help you work with the unconscious mind to heal anxiety:

eutaptics® FasterEFT™

Working with a certified eutaptics® FasterEFT™ practitioner can help you explore the underlying root causes of anxiety and reframe them at a deep level. This can involve safely releasing past traumas, changing limiting beliefs, processing repressed emotions, installing new positive associations and coping mechanisms, and cultivating safety within the body which helps regulate and relax the nervous system.

Inner Child Work

Inner child work involves connecting with and healing the wounded inner child, which represents unresolved emotions and experiences from childhood. Anxiety can often stem from unresolved childhood issues. Through visualisation, journaling or guided exercises, you can engage in nurturing and healing dialogues with your inner child, offering comfort, reassurance, and releasing past pain.

Journaling and Self-Reflection

Regular journaling and self-reflection can help you uncover underlying patterns, beliefs, and triggers contributing to your anxiety. Write freely about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to anxiety. As you explore your inner world, you may gain insights into the root causes of your anxiety and develop a deeper understanding of yourself.

mindful movement

Anxiety is not solely experienced in the mind; it can also manifest as physical sensations and tension in the body. Mindful movement allows you to access and release these emotions somatically. As you move through various postures or exercises, you create an opportunity to release stagnant energy, tension, and emotional blockages held within the body. This can provide a sense of catharsis and emotional release whilst relaxing and regulating the nervous system.

Remember that working with the unconscious mind is a process that may require time and patience. If you are interested in support from me as an experienced practitioner in this area, please feel free to contact me or book a free discovery call.


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