3 steps to help you break free from Self-Limiting Beliefs

limiting beliefs, wellbeing, wellness, mindset, empowerment, fastereft, trauma-informed, womens coach, self care, self healing, self love, trauma informed, habits, motivation

What are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained, negative thoughts or assumptions that individuals hold about themselves, others, or the world around them. These beliefs can hinder personal growth, success, and wellbeing by creating mental barriers and preventing people from reaching their full potential. 

Limiting beliefs can inadvertently lead to self sabotaging behaviours by creating a negative mental framework that undermines an individual's confidence and belief in their capabilities. When these limiting beliefs convince someone that they are not worthy of success, happiness, or positive outcomes, they may subconsciously engage in behaviours that align with these beliefs. This can manifest as procrastination, avoidance of challenges, downplaying achievements, or even creating situations where failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Limiting beliefs are often rooted in our unconscious mind and arise from past experiences, upbringing, societal conditioning, trauma and negative feedback from others.

Here are some common examples of limiting beliefs and how they may affect people:

​​"I'm not good enough" - This deeply ingrained belief often shows up as self-doubt, low self-esteem and people often comparing themselves to others, further leading to feelings of inadequacy. 

"I'm destined to fail" - A feeling that no matter how hard you try you will inevitably fail, which can discourage people from taking risks, trying something new or pursuing their goals. This can cause anxiety as there is a deep-rooted fear of failure. 

"Money is evil" - Associating wealth or financial success with negative attributes, which can hinder financial growth and limit opportunities for prosperity. This often stems from familial and cultural conditioning.

"I'm too old/young" - Believing that age restricts opportunities or the ability to achieve certain goals, preventing people from having the confidence to try new things and pursue their dreams. 

"I must be perfect" - Striving for perfection and fearing failure, which can lead to anxiety, procrastination or avoidance of challenges, hindering personal growth and wellbeing.

"I'm not lovable" - Feeling unlovable or unworthy of love and affection, which can impact relationships and emotional wellbeing.

Here are three steps to transform self-limiting beliefs:

1. Identify Limiting Beliefs

Recognising your self-limiting beliefs is the first step toward overcoming them. To identify these beliefs, consider moments when you've hesitated to take action, felt inadequate, or feared stepping out of your comfort zone. Reflect on the underlying beliefs driving these emotions and behaviours. 

Journaling is a great practice to tap into the unconscious mind and access deep rooted beliefs that may be under the surface. These prompts can help you dive into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to uncover any hidden limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.

  • What scares me about pursuing my goals?

  • When have I held back from trying something new, and why?

  • What negative thoughts frequently cross my mind?

  • What compliments or achievements do I struggle to accept?

  • In what situations do I doubt myself the most?

  • What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?

2. Utilse the Unconscious Mind to rewrite limiting beliefs

For lasting and transformative change it is essential that we rewrite our limiting beliefs at a deep level. FasterEFT™ is powerful modality that enables us to access the subconscious / unconscious mind, where most limiting beliefs are deeply entrenched, often stemming from childhood conditioning. 

By working with the unconscious mind, and connecting with the physical body using acupressure tapping techniques, we can disrupt the neural pathways associated with the belief, encouraging the brain to rewire itself through neuroplasticity, creating new, positive connections. By addressing the cognitive, somatic and emotional aspects simultaneously, this can lead to a profound and lasting transformation.  

With consistent practice, FasterEFT™ can dismantle old belief structures, allowing room for new, empowering beliefs to take hold. Work with an experienced practitioner who will guide you through the process and teach you how to use the techniques for yourself.

3. Change your self-talk

Replace negative self-talk with constructive and empowering affirmations. For instance, transform "I can't do it" into "I am capable of growth and progress." Be curious and listen to your inner voice, noticing the narratives and language that runs through your mind. Consistency is key; remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments regularly. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who can provide alternative perspectives. 

By committing to self awareness, and consistent practice to reframe and rewrite limtiting beliefs into more empowering ones, your new belief systems will gradually take root, reshaping your outlook and moving you toward newfound confidence and opportunities.

If you’d like to know how I can support you in moving through limiting beliefs or any other obstacles please feel free to contact me or book a free, no obligation discovery call.


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