How to Take Ownership of Your Own Life
Many of the clients I work with come to me feeling out of control, lost and stuck. Often living in a state of survival, with coping mechanisms, patterns and beliefs that are disempowering. My goal is to help them realise their own power, and take back ownership of their own life, so that they can heal, recognise their own worth, discover their gifts and purpose, and ultimately thrive.
so, What does it mean to take ownership of our own life?
Taking ownership of our own life means accepting responsibility for the choices we make, the actions we take, and the outcomes we experience. It involves recognising that we have control over our decisions and responses to life's challenges, rather than attributing our circumstances solely to external factors.
Taking ownership requires self-awareness, intentional inner work, and a commitment to learning from both successes and failures. It means actively steering our lives in alignment with our values, making empowered choices, and being accountable for the direction we choose to take.
Ultimately, taking ownership empowers individuals to shape their destinies, cultivate resilience, and lead purposeful lives driven by authenticity and accountability.
Taking ownership does not mean taking blame for past experiences. Rather, it means releasing the hold these past experiences have over us, so we can take back our agency and power.
The impact of Stress and Trauma
Everyone has experienced stress and trauma to some degree or another. The impact of these experiences, particularly when we are under-resourced to process them at the time, affect our behaviours, perceptions and emotional coping patterns as well as our physical and emotional health. When we did not have the resources to deal with stress and trauma at the time, our mind and body remains stuck in a state of survival. When these issues lay unresolved, it is difficult to shift our perception, and believe we have power over our own life. It’s easy to blame the world and feel like a victim of circumstance. The mental and emotional toll can foster a sense of helplessness, hindering the capacity to take proactive steps and make empowered decisions.
Regardless of the challenges you've faced, you hold an innate power within to transcend those experiences and embark on a journey of personal growth. Taking ownership of your life is a powerful part of healing and self-empowerment.
8 steps to take ownership of your life:
Cultivate self-awareness
The first step to taking ownership of your own life is by consciously practicing self-awareness. Begin to notice your patterns, beliefs, attitudes and triggers. Reflect on your values, strengths and areas for growth. Understand your passions and what truly matters to you. By gaining clarity about your authentic self, you can make decisions that align with your values and lead to a more fulfilling life.
Address subconscious patterns
Unconscious patterns and beliefs can often shape our behaviours and choices. Taking ownership involves bringing these patterns into conscious awareness so we can address what is not serving us. Consider practices such as self-reflection, FasterEFT™ or mindfulness to explore and understand subconscious influences. By addressing these patterns, you can gain greater control over your responses and make decisions that align with your conscious intentions.
Heal past wounds
Acknowledge the existence of past traumas and seek the support of trauma-informed professionals, friends, or family members to navigate the healing process. Engage in practices such as FasterEFT™, somatic mind-body work, forgiveness and self-care to gradually release the emotional burdens of the past, allowing you to move forward with greater resilience and a renewed sense of self.
By healing these past wounds, we can move out of being a victim of circumstance, and back into the drivers seat of our life. We can take the wisdom, learning, growth and power from these experiences and release the pain, hurt, shame and trauma, allowing us to cutivate trust and safety, and a more empowering view of ourselves and the world around us.
Listen to your inner guidance
Pay attention to your instincts, intuition, and the inner voice that nudges you in certain directions. This inner guidance is often a compass pointing towards your authentic self and can help you make decisions that resonate with your true desires. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or journaling to enhance your ability to connect with and trust your inner wisdom.
Find what brings you joy
Identifying and pursuing activities that bring you joy is fundamental to taking ownership of your life. Joy is a powerful indicator of alignment with your true self. Take time to explore your passions and interests, and integrate them into your daily life. Whether it's a hobby, a creative pursuit, or spending time in nature, prioritizing joy contributes to a fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.
Get clear on your values and vision
Reflect on what truly matters to you, the principles that guide your decisions, and the long-term vision you have for yourself. This clarity serves as a foundation for setting meaningful goals and making choices that align with your authentic self.
Develop a loving relationship with yourself
Embrace self-compassion, acknowledge your strengths, and be understanding of your limitations. Practice self-care routines that prioritise your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. By treating yourself with kindness and respect, you build a strong foundation for making empowered decisions and navigating life's challenges.
Build a Support System
No one travels the journey of life alone, and building a support system is integral to taking ownership. Surround yourself with people who uplift, inspire, and encourage your personal growth. Share your goals and aspirations with friends, family, or mentors who can provide guidance and support. A strong support system reinforces your commitment to taking ownership and provides valuable perspectives along the way.
Taking ownership of your own life is a continuous and empowering process. As you navigate this path, remember that each step you take towards personal ownership brings you closer to a life that is authentically yours, filled with purpose and fulfillment. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small wins, and understand that healing and self-responsibility is a courageous step towards creating a brighter and more resilient future.
If you’d like to know how I can support you with healing stress, trauma or any other challenges please feel free to contact me or book a free, no obligation discovery call.